Metrica (Bruno Fattorini - Robin Rizzini)
The Italian design studio Metrica based in Milan have earned an international reputation for the unique approach to contemporary furniture design. Its services consist of a combination of Design, Product Development and Management of Business Strategy. Inspired by values as global mind-set, local codes, industrial vision, handcrafted design, it attests to the empathic design skills of Italian talent able to merge design sensibility, technical innovation and production techniques, combined with the Anglo-Saxon aptitude to apply a rigorous model of project management. Well expressed in the name is the tension between creative process and discipline, management and humanism. Metrica, under the leadership of Lucio Quinzio Leonelli and Robin Rizzini, places furniture design in a new value context resulting in a recognized global vision in creating and managing projects.The Studio has clients in Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, U.K., U.S.A.