Tv-stand system for flat and curved screens. Swivelling steel frame. Integrated wiring box. Available in four versions: with base equipped of built-in monodirectional castors, with rear cable management, with rear wall-fixing system and with swivelling floor-ceiling upright.
A multi-version support for new-generation TV sets. Simplicity and lightness are the qualities of a technically elegant accessory that allows the moving image to play a leading role in the residential setting. Ideal for domestic use, yet also suitable for public spaces or workplaces.

Disponibile in quattro varianti per adattarsi alle tue esigenze specifiche:
301 - la versione con base dotata di rotelle monodirezionali offre una facile mobilità per spostare il tuo TV con facilità;
302 - la variante con base dotata di canalina passacavi posteriore garantisce una gestione dei cavi ancora più efficiente e discreta;
304 - la soluzione con sistema di fissaggio posteriore a parete assicura una stabilità ottimale e un look sospeso e moderno;
307 - la versione con piantana pavimento/soffitto offre un'opzione elegante per integrare il tuo schermo nella stanza.
Indipendentemente dalla variante scelta, questo porta TV rappresenta un connubio perfetto tra funzionalità avanzata e stile contemporaneo, garantendo una visione ottimale e un ambiente domestico all'avanguardia.
The slim and linear silhouette rises discreetly, almost blending with the surrounding environment, while the steel captures the glimmers of light, giving life to a subtle play of shadows and reflections. This TV stand system is a statement of unfussy style, a testament to contemporary design that harmoniously combines form and function. It is capable of transforming even the most anonymous space into an elegant environment that leaves the images as the protagonists of the living space.
Product information
TV height 94 cm
width 95 cm
shelf depth 35 cm
shelf height 26 cm
301 A03 /A04
TV heigh 151 cm
width 95 cm
shelf depth 40 cm
shelf height 73 cm
(cable menagement)
TV height 94 cm
width 115 cm
shelf depth 40 cm
shelf height 26 cm
302 B05 /B06
TV height 94 cm
width 190 cm
shelf depth 40 cm
302 B07
TV height 119 cm
width 190 cm
shelf depth 40 cm
TV height 94 cm
width 54,5 cm
shelf depth 30 cm
shelf height 26 cm
304 C03 /C04
TV height 119 cm
width 54,5 cm
shelf depth 30 cm
shelf height 46 cm
304 C05 /C06
TV height 151 cm
width 54,5 cm
shelf depth 30 cm
shelf height 73 cm
TV height 94 cm
width 54,5 cm
shelf depth 30 cm
shelf height 26 cm
307 D03/D04
TV height 119 cm
width 54,5 cm
shelf depth 30 cm
shelf height 46 cm
307 C05/C06
TV height 151 cm
width 54,5 cm
shelf depth 30 cm
shelf height 73 cm


Flavio Caronni from the early Seventies dealt with furniture and interior design. At the same time Donato Bonanomi developed his activity as designer for the textile industry.
Their joint venture, from the mid Eighties, has put them together in different projects and contests, in particular the ones regarding residential housing.
In 1990 they set up an architecture studio for residential and industrial projects, development and renovations, indoor architecture and design.